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Faculty Separation & Changes

Faculty/Principal Investigator Separation from MSU

Guidance to faculty members who are leaving the University (including retirees) and are involved in sponsored program activities. The following resources serve as general guidance and may not be inclusive of all awarding agency requirements and/or unique project circumstances, however they will  assist in identifying the actions necessary for the proper transfer and/or closeout of sponsored program accounts. The MSU Faculty Separation Checklist should be completed by the PI/Department and submitted to CGA’s Awards Group at

Faculty Changes Requiring Agency Prior Approval

Please see the Agency Prior Approvals page for NIH and NSF Specific, as well as general guidance.

Faculty Changes in MSU Systems

Kuali Research (KR) – Research Administration Awards Module

Changes in the KR Awards Module that affect Key Personnel Credit Split should be routed as an Award Revision Proposal Development Document to obtain appropriate institutional approvals.

Prior to processing an Award Revision PD document in KR, please contact CGA’s Awards group ( regarding the post-award change for further instructions.  Some updates require Agency Prior Approval.

Please note, not all post-award changes require a revised PD document. The most common types of changes that require a revised PD document are PI/key personnel changes and credit split updates.

To begin an Award Revision PD document, please use the following instructions:

  1. Find the most recent PD document associated with your Award in the KC Proposal Development Module using document search or proposal search.
  2. Copy the latest version of the PD document. Do not include budget or attachments.
  3. Within the newly copied PD document, complete the following:
    • Change the Proposal Type to Award Revision.
    • If PI/key personnel change: In Key Personnel tab, add and remove personnel to reflect the proper PI(s) and their F&A credit percentages.  To remove personnel, check the box next to the personnel and click on "delete" selected at the bottom of the page. To add personnel, click on the lookup icon next to Employee Search, add the person's name to the search criteria and click "search", click return value to the appropriate person in the search results, select the person's project role and click "add person." Complete the Combined Credit Split panel.
    • If credit split update only: In Key Personnel tab, under the Combined Credit Split panel, update the appropriate F&A credit, Post Award Unit, and Space percentages.
  4. Add a note to the Abstracts and Attachments tab under the Notes panel (Example: PI Change to Dr. Smith effective xx/xx/xxxx, credit split update effective xx/xx/xxxx, etc.)
  5. Once complete, route the Proposal Development document for approvals and notify CGA Awards ( of the edoc and/or PD number.

Kuali Financial System (KFS)

Changes to the Account Manager can be done through searching for your Account in KFS, then clicking edit. Access Management Request (ARM) Forms may need to be completed to delete or add user to your Organization.

General References


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